Wednesday, June 13, 2012

hump day follies

yaaaaaay wednesday! halfway through the weeeeek! whoop, whoop.

just kidding. 
today wasn't a banner day by any stretch of the imagination.
{maybe because i didn't go to sleep until 3 AM on account of THIS 
highly addictive blog. suri is just so... scathing. iloveit.}

i crafted a lot & read a lot & ran errands & 
applied for more community service and 
OH YEAH i almost attacked the piano tuner with a chef's knife 
{i was home alone & he looked mighty suspicious standing at
our door with a big ole trunk of piano tuning instruments}

then i ate more sushi & drank a starbucks blended strawberry lemonade
because sam got a migraine and it was a dinneshmorgishborg free-for-all.
so this wednesday really was a hump day... 
but exciting things will happen tomorrow, i can feel it!
for now, lovely readers:


1 comment:

  1. Bahaha! Poor piano tuner guy. He had it coming.
    And uh, Suri is downright feisty. Kind of like a younger, more pleasing-to-the-eye Joan Rivers.
    Am I right?

