Sunday, March 22, 2015

some thoughts on finding a job.

It's hard to believe that I started this blog three years ago... and how much I've neglected it since. Browsing through my online portfolio today (and agonizing over my total lack of postgraduate plans), I realized how much I miss this space.

I miss sharing thoughts and ideas and dreams and trends and music. I miss writing for myself. For the past three months I've been writing any and everything I think employers want to hear. Surprise, surprise-- that shit's draining. And really, I'm no better off because those companies and agencies only want grads with experience and networking abilities. Blech. Those words could easily fall under a Jeopardy! category of "Postgraduate Buzzwords That Sarah Loathes."

I know that I can't go in a wrong direction after graduating; every experience is a building block, yada yada yada. But I want to learn something, you know? I don't want to kill time. I want to get better and I want to be challenged.

Tyler and I went to an improv show last night and all I could think was, All these kids in the audience look so cool and creative. I feel like I missed the boat on experimenting with an edgy, artsy side. I envisioned that as my college experience, but then I assimilated to the university's culture. Shame on me, because I treated my past four years of college like high school.

I'm ready to move on, but how do you move on when you have no place to move to?

(image via)

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