Thursday, July 5, 2012

one down, six to go.

for our first stop on the southeastern college tour spectacular, we visited florida state university. let me tell you, that place is BIG. i think sam really liked it! (things he did not: mom's endless stream of questions for the tour guide.) my favorites: the william johnston building (because it houses the art history and education departments. duh.) and the fsu flying high circus. if i went to fsu, you can bet your bottom dollar i'd be riding an elephant around the circus in some glittery confection. 

tallahassee, too, was much cooler than i expected. apart from the drunken, fourth of july girls gone wild routine we saw at dinner last night, tally seemed like a great college town ...but that could be a most excellent turkey sandwich from goodie's eatery swaying my opinion ;) there's more big, southern universities on the docket for tomorrow, but for now,
x     x     x


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